Digital HR
Under the title "Digital HR", a book by the renowned professors Dr. Thorsten Petry and Dr. Wolfgang Jäger was published by Haufe-Verlag in March of this year.
The book helps to understand the essential technological and social drivers of the changes currently being observed and to design personnel management to suit them. Starting point are the potentials of new, HR-relevant technologies and the related, current developments around the topic "New Work".
Based on an understanding of these transformation drivers, the various articles in the book explain what an adequate HR strategy should look like, how HR processes can be digitally optimized, what future HR structures could look like and what role HR IT plays in this.
Joachim Volpert and his partner for many years, Dr. Volker Mayer, designed the chapter area 7 "Big Data and Business Intelligence in Personnel Planning". Perhaps a short quote from the authors, which clearly underlines the importance of the topic:
"Just a few years ago, many recruiters and personnel developers leaned back and relaxed, dismissed the impending lack of executives as a farce and chose human capital as the unword of the year. Gradually, there is a growing awareness that the effectiveness of personnel is one of the last major factors in increasing or at least maintaining competitiveness in companies."
This book contains many suggestions for your digital HR strategy!
With best recommendations from one of the authors
Your Joachim Volpert
Digital HR (1st edition 2018)
Print: ISBN 978-3-648-10928-1
ePub: ISBN 978-3-648-10929-8
ePDF: ISBN 978-3-648-10930-4